Performing Arts – Turnaround

Strategic intervention enabling a performing arts organisation to survive and thrive

Meet the Client

Unity Theatre is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation, with a strong history of radical theatre and diverse programming dating back to the early twentieth century. The charity is dedicated to creating and showcasing outstanding work that engages with local audiences.

The Challenge

The Performing Arts sector as a whole is facing multiple challenges: audiences are more difficult to reach post-pandemic, the cost-of-living crisis has reduced discretionary spend, there are rising costs for staffing and buildings, and core grants remain at standstill.

In this context, the Unity Theatre had started to struggle financially, and with declining cash reserves faced the real prospect of closure or merger.

How Adding Value Helped

Following the departure of the previous CEO, the Unity’s board appointed Matthew Brown as Interim CEO.

Working with the board to strategically assess how best to preserve Unity Theatre’s uniqueness and charitable objectives, it was agreed that – although very challenging – this was best served by continuing to operate rather than merge or close.

Matthew stabilised the position and set out a balanced budget for the coming year. This was built up in several ways: a refreshed fundraising strategy, a new staffing configuration, and the appointment of a new Artistic Director to drive forward a refreshed programme.

Matthew also supported the refreshing of the board, and liaised closely with core funders at ACE and Liverpool City Council throughout.

We were delighted that Matthew was able to provide the stability and assurance during a time of change for the Unity Theatre. His expertise and contributions have been invaluable, and have turned the position around, with a new leadership team in place ready to take things forward. The Board are reassured by the fact that Matthew and his team will continue to be involved in supporting Unity through the services provided by Adding Value.

Sarah Jones – Chair of the Board

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